Monday, October 17, 2011

Nick and Tori::Married

Some people just ooze awesomeness. Nick and Tori would be two of those people and I'm lucky to know them and I'm lucky to have gotten to photograph their wedding. Nick and I work together at Friday's and go anywhere in St. Louis, any restaurant and I guarantee you'll find either someone working or dining there who knows Nick. Most refer to him as St. Nick. He's the master of bar flair and can fill a bar in minutes with his great personality and you'll always have a great time with him around.

And his lovely wife Tori? Well, I couldn't have asked for a better bride. Laid back, fun, hilarious and willing to just let me be creative. Perfect. Tori and I click real well because we just love laughing and having a great it's an added bonus that she just happens to be one the most beautiful people to grace this planet. That's right Nick, you snagged a good one.

Nick and Tori's wedding day was nothing but fun, There's one thing about weddings with tons of people from the restaurant industry, we know how to have a good time. I mean it's practically our job to make sure people are constantly happy and having fun, so why wouldn't a wedding be that times a million. Besides being an absolutely fun day, it was a beautiful day, full of beautiful and totally rad people. That's right, I just used the word rad.

Nick and Tori, I can't thank you enough for allowing me to be a part of such a wonderful day in your life! Congratulations!

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